Final Test Shoot- Edits
To edit this image I only made a few minor adjustments as I was happy with the way I shot it in camera.
Image copyright of Sophie Whale
Image copyright of Sophie Whale
Although I think the exposure for the shot was correct I chose to increase it slightly to make the whole image appear slightly brighter.
Now at first glance you might not think there’s not much wrong with the original image, however when you take a closer look you may be able to see tiny red and green dots behind the glass. Sadly I don't know whether these marks where on the product table when I shot the image or if they are due to a refraction of the light, never the less the marks, although only tiny had to go. In order to erase these marks I used a combination of two tools, the clone tool, which allows you to select a small area from elsewhere in the image and paint over imperfections and the patch tool which allows you to select a larger part of the image, click and drag it to another part and magically match it with the selection you have already made. I know, how amazing is that!
This shoot helped me experiment with compositions and lighting techniques that I might want to use in my final imagery. I also used a light meter to help me find the correct exposures for each light, as I was also lighting from underneath the product table and not just the sides I had to calculate how much light would be reaching my product to ensure i wouldn't over or under expose the shot.
Left soft box- F.11
Right soft box- F.11
light underneath- F.11