Final Images
Here are my two final images from my Final Major Project.

Image © Sophie Whale
This image consists of three separate images layered together. The background layer is normal, then the top two have been blended using the Hard Light blending mode. I then adjusted the opacity of the top layer to 90%. I love the mix of stationary and movement images. By using those specific blending modes I found it added the right amount of contrast and definition between the layers. I then used a selective colour layer to pick out and highlight the blue tones. I created a text layer and used the font Nowharehouse from to add the text " Not all pain is physical". I then used the warp text tool with the flag option to create movement in the text.

Image © Sophie Whale
To create this image I mirrored the mask facing the right buy creating another layer, duplicating the image and flipping it horizontally. I then placed another image of myself wearing the mask but this time facing forward. I used the Lighten blending mode for all layers but decreased the opacity of the top layer to 50%. I then increased the contrast to create definition in the hair and accentuate the difference between the masks and the background. To keep the same theme throughout my two images I used the same font but changed the text to " Not all scars are visible".