Artist Research- Joel Robinson
Joel Robinson is a Canadian photographer, his work is inspired by fantasy worlds like Walt Disney. His work often has a hidden narrative, he likes the viewer to feel something when they look at the images.
Field Of Dreams © Joel Robinson
I like this image because of its perspective, the model has been made to look disproportionally small in comparison to the overly large book. because the foreground is out of focus it makes you look further into the image, this contributes to the overall dreamlike feel of the image. The bright light towards the top of the photograph helps brighten the picture and also draw the viewers attention to the book. I really like the combination of different textures, the colour palette has also been kept very soft, a major influence to the dream feel of this photo.
Catching Stars © Joel Robinson
This image entitled Catching Stars is one of my favourites, I love the how the bright star stands out against the dismal grey background. One of the props used in this image is a fishing rod, the star has been manipulated to appear as if it has been “hooked” by the rod, hence the name Catching stars. The artist has also lighted the area directly beneath the star, giving the affect the light from the star is shining down. I think the soft focus feel of the image works well with the subject, the use of depth of field and possible alteration of clarity in post-production really enhance the image.