Product Photography at Home- The Editing (2)
I chose to edit this image as I wanted to practice simple Photoshop adjustments before starting on my final image. Before editing Image...
product photography at home- The contact sheets! (2)
once again I used my trusty portable lightbox studio to practice shooting a martini glass and cocktail shaker as these are the props I...
Brand research-Existing REYKA adverts
In order for me to create my own advert effectively I must analyse current adverts, if I want to beat the competition I've got to know...
Photoshop survey- How much is too much?
I wanted to create a way of finding out what young adults thought of digital retouching and what their views were. With a little help...
A change of plan (and vodka!)
After researching Absolut vodka, I realised that it wasn't the right product for the concept I was trying to convey in my imagery. I want...
Product photography at home- The Editing
I chose this image from my previous phtotoshoot, (relevant blog post here) as i wanted to brighten up the background and make the product...
Product photography at home- The contact Sheets!
What are the three things no girl can life without? Lipstick, wine and coffee! Using my portable light box studio, two lamps and a couple...
RAW format
A 12 bit RAW file contains 68 billion colours, I know, that's a lot more than your standard red, green and blue JPEG format! When a...
Absolut research
Now don't get me wrong, I love the internet it's great, you have a who host of information right at your fingertips. However for me you...
Pinterest Inspiration!
what's inspiring me this week? I took to the wonderful site that is Pinterest to start generating ideas for this project, sometimes...