Tag line Tactics
Reyka's existing tag lines in their advertising is simple but effective. The use an element of humour to help capture the viewers...
Lighting Analysis
Why did I used the lighting I did? This is the lighting diagram that shows the setup of lights I used in both my final test shoot and my...
Final shoot
Here are the 8 contact sheets from my very final shoot, I photographed a martini glass containing water and olives and a stainless steel...
Representing Cultures and Models
when advertising anything, weather it be a service or product you must be careful about the way it may be perceived by others . A simple...
Blogging for photographers!
Yet again I took to the library to find some tips and tricks on how to start and maintain a photography blog! Extract from Blogging for...
Food Magazine Research
I picked up Februarys issue of "Delicious" food magazine to research the links between images and text in food adverts. Image from...
David Bailey Research
After researching different brands and many existing adverts, I wanted to look at some photographers who have done product work with...
Final Test Shoot- Edits
To edit this image I only made a few minor adjustments as I was happy with the way I shot it in camera. Image copyright of Sophie Whale...
Final Test shoot
Here are the annotated contact sheets from my final test shoot. I photographed a Martini cocktail glass and cocktail shaker. Images...
The concept
The concept behind the images i am going to create is to make vodka more of a sophisticated and elegant drink.The existing branding of...